“Hanging on is fear; letting go is hope. Holding on is believing that there is only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.”
Let go. Letting go. Let’s go!
I thought that if I didn’t deal with the death of my mom almost eight years ago, she wouldn’t really be gone. I was the Mayor of Fantasyland, and damn, I liked my land. (Thank you, Cous) It wasn’t until my dad died unexpectedly in January that life took on a new meaning. As I mentioned before, I skirted through the first few months following his death in a stupor of partying, sleeping, ignoring and doing anything to not feel.
Making the move to Petaluma, alone, not knowing a soul, was what I wanted to be the “beginning of my life.” Little did I know, I was running, sprinting to the ultimate escape. The farther I run, the less I had to deal. Friends said they were proud of me, others were in awe and some were judgmental. The ones that mattered were always in my corner, telling me they know “Karyn will be okay,” they didn’t worry. After getting here, I realized I didn’t believe them and I didn’t believe myself. It was scary because I liked it here, I wanted to be here but my emotions were having a physical impact on my body. I’d been at the bottom before, but they were always “high bottoms.” I always got through…. So, when you finally realize this is a “low bottom” it’s a damn frightening place to be.
So, how do you let go?
“Any way you can. Get help- hire the men with the truck to haul your junk away. Trick yourself. Find an ally. Hold hands when you leap from the burning building. Pray for grace. Cry…. Give things away. Throw things away….We’re on our way to somewhere else…. Don’t hang on. It’s hard to fly with bags of concrete to your feet. Let go. Let go. Let go.”
Letting go is a foreign act to us because it is surrendering when we are taught to fight, hold on and to control. I can’t bring my parents back, and I have to stop thinking I can. I’m ready to step out of the haze and stop living in the past.
Daphne Kingma’s activity suggestion:
1. What is impeding your freedom? What do you need to let go of? Perhaps, debilitating friendships? Unproductive work relationships? A lousy marriage? Hopelessness? Despair? A standard of living you can’t afford?
2. Pick one area and write one intention that you are committed to fulfilling in the next month. For example, write a farewell letter, donate clothes you no longer wear, sell the car whose payments you can’t meet.
3. What do you want to show up in place of what you’ve let go of? An inspiring job? Breathing room? Emotional balance?
“We need to let go because whatever we’re holding on to is keeping us attached to the problem….In letting go, we surrender the weight of our burdens and find the lightness of being with which to begin once again.”
I feel as light as a feather……