Wednesday, July 18, 2012

PEACE from Broken Pieces

 A new book inspires another enlightening way to view life. My own in particular :)

My hiatus has been shattered by a brief glimpse at a shining light. For awhile it felt as though my mojo had been hijacked, my edge had fallen off, and my attitude was lost.  In an effort to clear the cloud in my head, I picked up a recent book by an author that has always inspired me in the past. Iyanla Vanzant did not disappoint this time either. Peace from Broken Pieces spoke true to my heart and filled a craving I had been desiring. A dear friend was correct in saying, "I feel there is a reason you haven't posted on your blog for awhile." Indeed there was, until now.

This book walks the same line as "The Ten Things to Do...." so if you're over that, stop here. But if you're like me, my life tends to "fall apart," at least in a way I think so, every few months or so.  Because when your life starts to fall apart, it doesn't always happen all at once. It's the typical ups and downs that I am starting to realize is life. Coming to this realization allows me to relax a little more, and breathe a little deeper because I know the crisis will pass.... it always does. It seems to pass just in time for the next, but pass, nonetheless. It also prepares for the next, for which I an only be thankful.

"I now realize that lives fall apart when they need to be rebuilt. Lives fall apart when the foundation upon which they were built needs to be relaid. Lives fall apart, not because God is punishing us for what we have or have not done. Lives fall apart because they need to. They need to because they weren't built the right way in the first place."

Good to know. Good to KNOW! I can honestly put my life into chapters of a book, and admit that in the past 4 years, I've rebuilt my life more than a handful of times. I think I may have it right this time. Stay tuned on that one... :)

Something that has helped recently is my on-going search for the definition, feeling and emotional state of inner peace. For me, it is a challenge to find inner peace with the constant inner voice in my head speaking so damn loud! Have you noticed that little itty bitty dude doesn't shut up? And, he knows just how to push your buttons like a gosh darn kid in an elevator? My inner voice takes on the character of the many people and responsibilities I have in my life. And, not usually the good ones!
This is the damning part of those negative thoughts: "when something unbelievably phenomenal is happening in your life and you don't believe you are good enough to have it, you will consciously or unconsciously find a way to sabotage your dreams come true."

Inner peace seems unattainable to me at times. At other times, I think, "Eureka, I've found it." In all honesty though, it takes me reminding myself about ten times a day to "be peaceful, be peaceful." It sometimes helps when driving, waiting in line or at work. Another thing that helps is that smile! My own, or someone else, that smile shows a little light in the heart.

I think it's important to have something or even someone that you can believe in, trust and feel an inner peace about. I have a few of these people and activities.  The people are the ones that inspire me to be better, to do more, and convince me of my worth, sometimes without even knowing it. The activities help me to breathe, communicate and express myself. Because... "when you don't know who you are, chances are you don't know what you want. When you don't know what you want, there is no chance for you to get it.

May you find peace tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Go Where The Love Is

After three months of's once again time for me to tune in and listen up.  There is definitely something to be said about getting out of your current environment to find perspective. I traveled for 24 hours and half way around the world to gain 'perspective.' What did I realize???? That everything I want is right in front of me. I want what I have. We spend so many so much energy on constantly wanting more, working toward something or waiting for something,  that we forget that what we have is just enough. I've spent a lot of time 'waiting.' But, waiting for what? In that process, I've pushed people away, I've lost contact with special people, I've overlooked others and I've spent a lot of time alone, and ultimately, lonely. Something big clicked this weekend. I'm not exactly ready to trust it completely, but my world shifted. Part of me died, but that part of me needed to go, and now, I'm preparing myself to "go where the love is.'

"When we're beset by crisis, we also begin to recognize our own vulnerability. We see that in one realm or another we, ourselves, could use some assistance. And so, from the chalice of our own need, we start reaching out for help. That's because once we've been taken apart by life, we are more humble, more open, more willing to both give and receive. We take bigger chances. We speak up. We reveal ourselves. We ask. We break down. We accept comfort. Words. A blanket. A meal. In time, we realize that something amazing has happened: that the more we reach out to others, the less lonely we feel ourselves. Somehow, even in the midst of our chaos, we are actually feeling loved. And the beautiful thing is that, the more love we need, suddenly the more love we have to give."

Someone once told me, "we will all take care of each other."  When in a crisis, it's hard to ask for help. For me especially. We are wired for 'fight or flight,' and more than anything, we are afraid to let people in, for fear of being hurt. But, what I noticed this week is, "phew, what a relief." Even just speaking the words feels like a thousand pound weight being lifted. What's even more pleasant is trusting the people you are talking to. So, I still warn to choose those people wisely. (I'm still afraid to be hurt or judged).

"Run, walk, or hopscotch, take a train, a plane, or a bus, to the people who can give you some love. They are your family, friends, your neighbors and colleagues. Sometimes they're even strangers. Whoever they are, you'll know them by how they make you feel. With them, you'll feel happy and whole....They recognize your spirit, touch your sensitivity, make you laugh, 'speak your language'......."

A special person told me... that we will, "Live strong with love and care." I'm gonna live by this one for awhile..... I'll let you now where it gets me :)